We depend on help from our caring neighbors. Get involved to improve your neighborhood and support our community.


Have an idea for how you can voulenteer - let us know!


Architectural Control Committee (ACC)

Planning on making changes to the outside of you home? This would include things like room additions, major change in landscape or anything that would alter the original look and feel of your property.


All changes must be PRE-APPROVED by the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) prior to any work beginning. Click here to visit the Douments/Forms page and  download the necessary submittal form. If you have any questions please contact the committee below.


If you would like to serve on the ACC, please contact:


Ray Hudock (Chairman)



Welcoming Committee

This committe works to put together welcome packages for new residents in the neighborhood. If you would like to be part of this committe please contact the committe chiarman.


Contact us to voulenteer.

Communty Events Committee

This committee organizes the community garage sale in October and coordicates any other community wide events. If you would like to be a part of this committe please contact the committee chairman.


Chairman/Members neeed.

Contact us to volunteer


Contact Info

Greater Corona HOA

PO BOX 1847

Queen Creek, AZ 85142

Phone: (480) 987-0197


Property Manager

L&B Association Consultants, LLC

Chad Cooper CMCA, AMS




Please contact the Property Manager for all general questions prior to contacting a board member.  Most often the property manager will be able to assist you with your question or concern.



Heidi Birkholz




Vice President

Damian Nichols





Ray Hudock





Susan Nicholls

(480) 415-4651




Keith Brandt